Butter is a
yellow-colored fat, which is produced from non-homogenized whole milk.
It has been used since ancient times in areas which did not produce olive oil
or other fat alternatives for the enrichment of food (Chaldeans, Babylonians
etc.). Butter is commonly consumed at breakfast as a spread and as an added fat
substance in cooking and baking. Butter is produced in milk containers by
agitating cream, which damages the membranes of buttermilk globules and allows
the milk fats to conjoin separating them from the other parts of the cream. It
matures with the help of Betacoccuscitrovolous and Betacoccusparacitrovolous bacteria.
Churning is the last step of the production process during which
temperature will determine the hardness of the product. Before packaging,
buttermilk is rinsed off with water from the final product.
Butter is a source of fat, rich in
saturated fat and cholesterol. It also contains small amounts of lactose,
proteins, vitamins and minerals except for vitamin A, which promotes eye health.
Butter has a high calorie and satiety value.